Trademark Search

Before doing the registration of the Trademark, the first and essential step is to do a Trademark Search. Trademarks are used to protect the identity or individuality of the entity, company, or individual by giving it its own unique identification. Hence, it is crucial to do a trademark search to check whether the trademark is identical to an existing brand or company.

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    Registration Process

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    Process complete

    simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


    Overview of Trademark Search

    Before doing the registration of the Trademark, the first and essential step is to do a Trademark Search. Trademarks are used to protect the identity or individuality of the entity, company, or individual by giving it its own unique identification. Hence, it is crucial to do a trademark search to check whether the trademark is identical to an existing brand or company.

    There are three types of trademark searches that can be conducted by anyone who wants to get their trademark registered: informal, preliminary, and comprehensive. Of these, informal and preliminary search for a trademark can be done by the individual or by the entity independently without any outside help. However, the comprehensive search for a trademark can only be done with the help of experienced professionals. Thereby, it is advisable to get the comprehensive trademark search done before going for the registration. By doing so, one will get all the details about any trademark similar to the one you are registering, thereby protecting you from the risks of the trademark application being rejected.

    Our trademark registration team, Taxrepair, has extensive knowledge about doing a comprehensive trademark search for our client base before filing for the trademark registration. In addition, our team ensures they look at the updated trademark database to search for any duplication or similarity of the trademark our clients want to register. Our team are thorough professionals and always keep our clients informed about their trademark search updates, thereby making sure that they do not waste their precious time.

    Why is Trademark Search Crucial?

    • Trademark Search will help you by giving the details and information about any existent identical trademark or a brand name similar to what you have.
    • A Comprehensive Trademark Search will also help you as it gives the details and information about any existent trademark or a brand name that is phonetically identical to your trademark or brand name.
    • It will also give you the details of any well-known trademarks that have the same kind of trademark or brand name as yours.
    • Detailed Trademark Search will also give you the list of the prohibited trademarks, i.e., the trademarks that are not permitted from getting registered by any private individual. Thus, a comprehensive search will help you avoid those trademarks or brand names that come under the prohibited trademarks.
    • You will also get the details about any similar trademark or brand name that the Vienna Code Classification governs through a comprehensive trademark search. Vienna Classification (VCL) is an International Classification of figurative elements of trademarks and overseen by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

    Why Choose Taxrepair for Trademark Search

    In today’s competitive world. Trademark is a valuable Intellectual property for any individual, partnership or company. The success of any brand or a company is when they effectively build a distinctive brand identity that the consumers will never forget and relate to. Thus, trademark search is the first step into creating this success is by protecting the individuality of the brand at any cost. You can count on our team at Taxrepair to get insightful details about the trademarks registered under different looks or classes while they check for the trademark application by the owners.

    Contact our team of trademark search experts to help you protect your company identity.

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